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submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to HDLunited 1 monthMay 6, 2024 02:24:13 ago (+8/-0)     (HDLunited)

....as stated in the heading I started out in a reply to @Boekanier re his reply to my previous post. I just thought I'd have too much to put into a reply.

@Boekanier's reply had a military connotation to it and it struck a chord with me that goes back to my formative years where it was time to choose that critical path where, however far down that path, the destination was destiny itself.

As a kid, growing up with no childhood, every fucking day was a gauntlet of flaming charcoal, being able to tolerate the pain associated with life's learning process and daily chores meant that conditions weren't harsh enough...and you knew that was going to change. Life with Russian roots and Slavic DNA meant there was never any time for childish pursuits. Something that always stuck with me that came from my brutish father when I was only 5 or 6, was when he told me "in Russia nobody smiles", I never forgot those words, everyday life from that point on was a life knowing that growing up was not going to be fun.

In summer of 1976, here in my hometown of 100,000 the British military was on a recruiting campaign...the thing was it wasn't an "actual MILITARY recruiting campaign". Given that there's a pro forma process that denies DIRECT military recruitment by the British crown...BUT...recruiting for military contractors anywhere within the Commonwealth was legal. The campaign was compliant within the legal framework of the "operating principles" ( not constitutional because Kanastan has no constitution and the charter/bill of rights is a pro forma without binding obligations, it was a formality that shuts everyone up)...bottom line is, the crown will do whatever it wants to do...anyhow, I was all pumped and when do I leave.

At that time I was with the JEHOVAS WITNESSES and our neighbor, who was a church elder and Crown prosecuter, told me, not asked me, that I had a position with the police department as soon as I was ready...but I was pumped about the British military, but it was something to consider. I remember walking into the house and showing my mother the recruiting package from the British military, she went blank and then says to me, and she's pissed, "you know what this is, do you know what a "MERCENARY" is?"...then this, "there's no mercenary prisoners, they are killed on the spot because nobody likes a SOLDIER OF FORTUNE". I didn't know any of this shit, all I knew was that I would have no problem passing the physical and that I was in killer shape. My old man sneered at me and then tells me that the life expectancy of a mercenary in Rhodesia was 3 weeks before you get a bullet in the brain, he didn't say "bullet to the head, he said to the brain". So to keep everyone happy I decided to be a cop. My dad goes to the neighbor (crown prosecuter) and tells him that it would be better if I was a cop instead of a mercenary.

Next day I head over to the police station and tell them that after moose hunting season I'd be ready to go. It's all set, I'm going to be a cop and I owe my future to a church elder who was a Jehova Witness of which I was one.

Then I'm told that I have to spend my rookie time in the "PEEL REGION" of South Ontario and under cover spying on THE SATAN'S CHOICE MC, of which I became very close with after I refused to take the position of a cop, I also walked away from the church. But I was still playing hockey.

A year later I pile into a dump truck that blew a stop sign and was operated by a drunk driver in Michigan...my destiny was now a different path and what a path it was.

And that's it for now...hollywood has actors...I lived in reality and what a wild ride it was.

9 comments block

Hey thanks for the great read! Interesting stuff.