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submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to whatever 1 monthMay 5, 2024 01:05:25 ago (+9/-1)     (whatever)

I work at a chain of small hotels and this Oriental guy has been spotted at 2 and arrested at mine over the past week or so. We don’t know what his motivation is, but the properties are very far apart and he was found in those instances on guest floors.

Reminds me of my time managing a Balinese man-brothel. Our clients were mostly middle-aged British and Australian women, so they wouldn't give me too much of a problem, but support personnel were sometimes a hassle. For instance, I had this one jizzmopper named Fang and that guy wouldn't listen to a fucking word I would say. I would always tell him: "Only use 1 drop of bleach per 55 gallon drum of water." He would use entire capfuls. Cutting into my bottom line with his insolence.

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