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a word about ((( Black Rock)))

submitted by boekanier to whatever 1 monthMay 4, 2024 05:06:40 ago (+15/-0)     (whatever)

If money does not bring happiness, it undoubtedly opens the doors of power. A maxim that the BlackRock asset management group, with its 6,000 billion US dollars spent, more than twice the GDP of France, knows well. Corporations, governments and central banks: The sprawling company continues to expand its influence in all directions, since its creation, in 1988, by (((Larry Fink))). The strength of this American management giant lies in the billions of dollars entrusted to it by its clients, most of them big fish in finance: multinationals, financial institutions and investment or pension funds. Thanks to this financial windfall, the group has taken on many multinationals. Currently, BlackRock is present, among other things, in the capital of Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, McDonald's, Siemens, as well as many companies from the CAC 40.
Not content with investing in the world's top-rated companies, the asset manager is also in the pockets of central bank governors, finance ministers and even heads of state, to whom he provides valuable advice.

And for good reason: it has not only the best financial experts, but also an unparalleled short-term forecasting algorithm, Aladdin. During the financial crisis of 2008, many governments close to the Shipwreck had appealed to Larry Fink's group, which allowed him to strengthen his grip on the world economy and present to everyone the face of a providential company...

2 comments block

The collusion between politicians and people like fink made fink possible.

Want government contracts? If you're not one of them, you're out. Its like Pearson educational getting in the schools. Fink is all those people. It's rampant, and it's been a closed shop in the US since 1963 when Johnson and his best pal Nelson Rockefeller came to office.

In Canada it was 198 when the Rockefellers bankrolled the Canada Power Corporation.