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When you realize nogs can't understand the concept of the future you understand their behavior. Now realize Jews have genetic brain defects. They can't grasp proportionality or actual logic. They have genetic "Victimhood Tourettes". They also can't grasp future consequences. So stop arguing w them

submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 monthMay 3, 2024 18:01:34 ago (+26/-0)     (TellUpgoat)

They are idiots disguised by verbal circular reasoning.

I'll tell you what else I've realized is they all have mild schizophrenia. That's explains why they see things and imagine things that aren't there that have happened to them. We know that they suffer from full-blown schizophrenia far more than most people but I think what's grossly under counted is the fact that they all have mild schizophrenia and they see s*** that doesn't actually happen. This is why they can go off on rants about things that do not happen but they actually believe it that's why they sound so convincing when they're talking. And that's what fools the rest of us is they sound convincing when they're telling something that's untrue and I believe it's because they actually believe it most of the time.

Lots of very
insane people sound intelligent for a brief period of time until you their whole picture.

They're all brain damaged. And we can't have crazy people running our country or in positions of authority.

The strange thing is is they're particular afflictions actually serve them very well for the short term. After all anybody who has a brain defect that always thinks they're not getting enough and always pushes for more is going to end up with more until people get tired of them and put them out of their reach somehow. And that perfectly explains the Jewish experience throughout history.

22 comments block

No amount of cultural operating system changes will change the behavior of people like nogs and Jews that are missing critical parts of the brain needed for successful long time empathic civilizations.