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41 comments block

Yeah, just closed the video when he did that. What's the point of even bitching if 2 seconds later you're going to pull some disgusting knob gobbling shit to even slightly walk it back. All that shit does in this context is still push the idea that kikes are irreproachable on some level and need to be worshipped. How about no, fuck that. The subverters and enslavers of nations deserve to be treated like the vile shitbags they are. The reason the western world is so completely fucked up is because kikes are running all the countries through their international central banking cartel. Scott lives in a conquered nation, I don't get the fucking disconnect that 'only the laws are a problem hurr' and not the fact that by their own mythos and creed, non-fucking westerners are running western nations while suppressing people who have the absolute right to rule themselves in their own interests.