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Pitbulls doing pitbull things

submitted by 2Drunk to videos 1 monthMay 3, 2024 18:40:29 ago (+44/-4)     (media.gab.com)


36 comments block

These mutts, like their owners, have no place in this world...anyone who has had to take down a pitbull knows how tough they are, I nailed one right in the ear/temple/jawline area with a .357mag 158grn JHP
and the fucker didn't shut down and I had to track that animal for hrs before finalizing it with 4 more rnds, this time eith 158grn Jacketed Ball...3 rnds to the head, massive blood loss and after 15-20min of tracking it quit bleeding and I was on my own, they're fucking evil beasts...if there's ever a next time I'll be using the MOSSBERG 500 with slugs and I won't go for the head, it'll be dead center of chest where the heart and lungs will be pushed through it's asshole.
Just a point of interest, back in 1986 I had a mountain lion that I raised from a cub, it matured to 120lbs, on two occasions her and I had dog encounters, the 1st was 2 shepards, they came out of nowhere and straight for me, my cat was occupied with a small deer herd and was being curious, the dogs had no clue and now I'm in a situation where I'm reaching for Ruger, the mutts are tagged and obviously owned, I've got all this shit going through my mind and seconds are crucial, the dogs aren't slowing and they're getting close, as soon as I execute my motion to pull my fucking cat leaps out of the shrubs and is all over those mutts, a whirlwind of teeth and paws, and they go right for the throat, one dog is now crawling and the other was fucked with that cougar on it's back but she let it go, both dogs fucked right off...2nd time a pitbull from down the road found it's way into my yard and was going for my cat which I had leashed (5/16" chain)...I released her and the dumb mutt ran into her at a full head on charge...nobody knows what "fast and furious" means until they witness a mountain lion that is hell bent on attacking...later the humane society shows up inquiring as to how the pitbull down the road lost it's throat...once that animal got a hold of it's throat is was all over, I was shocked that the fucking mutt even made it out of the yard.
That's a story for another post...one day. But that animal was very close to me.