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This made me laugh

submitted by WNwoman to whatever 1 monthMay 3, 2024 14:40:56 ago (+15/-1)     (whatever)

I attend a specific group exercise class a few times a week. I pay a premium price to avoid the riff raff and diversity so the classes consist of upper middle class White women.

Anyway, the instructor usually has music playing while people are walking in and setting up for the class. Imagine my surprise when I walked in today to hear “FUCK YOU NIGGER, FUCK YOU NIGGER, BIX NOOD” blaring. I looked around to see if any of the other women even noticed but they were all yapping.

Part of me is amused to hear the hard R blasted around these privileged women but another part of me wants to complain because I pay too much already to avoid this nog music.

15 comments block

Peleg 0 points 1 month ago

Every one of you ladies should have walked out. When the instructor asks what is going on tell him that you all have paid to Not be bombarded with shitty nigger music.