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Those who support Violence? Nah. Heres an alternative

submitted by prototype to whatever 1 monthApr 29, 2024 08:16:05 ago (+4/-2)     (whatever)

We don't need any of that.

Push pacifism. Speak softly while carrying a big stick.

Other people will get the message.

Everyone shouts "molon labe", and those are the ones also making jokes about "I lost my guns in a boating accident."
Because they don't have the backbone to use them in the event of an upscaled version of the 2020 riots or invasion or mass confiscation.

The subculture itself must create an atmosphere and perception that people are peaceful, but that the armed public writ large should not be fucked with.

FAFO taken to the level of religious fervor, or political ideology.

Do it right, and the message is written on the wall for the regime and they start walking back a lot of the bullshit policies. Career politicians, the selectees, start seeing what they have to support in word and policy action, in order to keep the public complacent and docile.

It sets the stage for mass refusals to comply.

12 comments block

I do not believe you have an answer, and you keep proving me right with the weasel words