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kikes always seem to vehementally deny their own books, and christ cucks enable this behavior

submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 1 monthMay 3, 2024 10:23:32 ago (+15/-4)     (Rants)

Whenever i talk about jews i mention the talmud. Apparently, per the jews, its only a social commentary and no jews take it seriously. Except, when you read the talmud, it says lying to goyim is a-ok. Why does no one question how a book that says you can lie to your "slaves", would allow the people reading this book to lie to the slaves?

Then we have the torah which isnt much better. Since the talmud is based off the torah, then it stands to reason that the torah ALSO has the same writings that were used to create the talmud. If the New Testament of the Bible complements the old, why is this identical logical process not applied to the talmud and the torah?

It's simple logic. And many a christ cucks have told me the talmud irrelevant since its a social commentary and not relevant. Except, they never ask themselves, what is it a social commentary of? if its a social commentary of the torah, than its extremely relevant.

Its like the christ cucks just regurgitate shit without ever thinking it through.

20 comments block

The talmud is the oral translation/interpretation of the torah. It's akin to saying the instruction manual to an oil change is irrelevant, since its not part of the oil pan assembly itself. It's lying by semantics.