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Niggers in movie theaters... Indians: Hold my masala chai!

submitted by Sector2 to IndiaRaw 1 monthMay 1, 2024 22:06:34 ago (+30/-0)     (gvid.tv)


"The incident took place at Mohan Cinema in Malegaon Cantonment area on Sunday night. According to the police, during the screening of the film, a group of fans burst firecrackers inside the theater, causing panic among the moviegoers. Police have registered a case under IPC sections 435 (mischief by fire or explosive substance with intent to cause hurt) and 336 (act endangering life or personal safety of others).

Police have taken four people into custody on the basis of the video going viral on social media. they are being interrogated. It is also being ascertained how many more people were involved in this incident. The police is busy taking further action against all of them. It is being told that the police will interrogate the theater owner regarding how the firecrackers reached inside the theatre"

Above written in pajeet speak.

Also, imagine burnt hair being added to the existing odor in there.

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