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Is @Antiliberalsociety projecting???

submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 1 monthMay 1, 2024 15:25:08 ago (+9/-4)     (NutziHiveKickers)

Seems like he talks about pedophilia more than anyone I ever known to be honest. We all hate pedophiles and want them dead, but that seems to be his default insult/accusation and a topic that both intrigues and inflames his emotions.

This reminds me of the classic phenomenon of the guy who always calls everyone else gay every chance he gets but secretly sucks dick on the side.

This obsession he has with the sexualization of children is kind of strange to be perfectly honest. I remember he took a lot of heat for calling the administration of consumeproduct pedophiles, and I think he did the same on patriots.win.

Is his expressively negative view point of pedophilia and accusations against people without merit purely a projection of his own mental state??? Rumor is he never leaves the home and lives off the government dole.

7 comments block

I must've missed who else besides our chronic troll.