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So I denied the holohoax on a conservative website I've been on for almost 20 years

submitted by TheNoticing to whatever 1 monthApr 30, 2024 09:51:52 ago (+63/-1)     (whatever)

It was funny. They were so absolutely appalled that someone would dare to deny it. Someone even said that I, someone that merely said/denied something am worse than a child molester, someone that has actually done something 1 - illegal, 2 - morally reprehensible, and 3 -should be punished by being left alone with the kid's family.

It's unfortunate that so many on there just can't get enough jew cock to suck. Whether it's grown adult or baby I don't want to know.

55 comments block

Dingo 9 points 1 month ago

I've gotten two people to visit this site in order to present it as "Oh my God! You should see the stuff people are saying on this site!". I got both of them to look at truthpodium.org and one of them was laughing about it with me the next day because he watched several hours of videos (about nogs mostly).

It's really insane to see how well these echochambers work on people. Imagine transferring us all out of here one at a time to "the next level" and we'd all understand why it didn't happen here but not until then.

I suspect it might be easier to sneak one of them here at a time and then you can have a small gang to red pill others. We've got your back for reprogramming ... in this realm, you'll become socially more powerful and they'll start to listen to you.