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The state of nursing: I'd rather die

submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 1 monthApr 29, 2024 09:06:00 ago (+32/-0)     (Rants)

I mean, practically both ways you'll be dead but still. One of the nurses had to come back to the hospital and had to do something basic: take blood pressure. This nurse forgot how to do the test so badly, my cousin had to REMIND her how to do it. She ended up having to google the procedure, because she couldn't remember how it was done. She then failed to understand how blood pressure works since she forgot that blood pressure can be done on the legs or arms, but will give different readings. She was very ... confused why this was.

These are the same retards doing surgery and complex operations. We are so fucked as a country

47 comments block

You're beginning to learn that the real conspiracy is the dumbing down of the masses via chemical poisoning and jewish bread-and-circus digital entertainment in combination with a less laborious post-industrial society causing a general weakening of three populous