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The articles about paid actors in the gaza protests were put out so you would dismiss the protesters out-of-hand.

submitted by prototype to whatever 1 monthApr 29, 2024 09:48:45 ago (+10/-2)     (whatever)

It is a variation of the "everyone is a fed" meme.

I think I seen someone call it "discredit through implication", sort of like guilt by association.

It's a semi-effective tactic for when an opposition group resorts to strategies which can't be immediately shut down because they're not violent (violence being something that alienates broader support. See israel bombing gaza, and losing international support for details).

The thinking is "if the grass on the otherside (political) is astroturf, is it really greener on the other side."

It's designed to keep you from uniting over issues rather than identity/ideology being used as lever to divide.

They'll bring out the violent regime supporters soon, when these other tactics fail. They'll dress like and look like the gaza/palestine protesters, but will do shit that alienates the public.

I don't really care either way, because all of it falls within the scope of things that accelerate the collapse, namely disgusting overreach that will fail, and backfire spectacularly sooner or later.

10 comments block

The protesters are a bunch of tranny kikes

you sure its all tranny kikes?

How do you know unless you're in attendance?

Or maybe the golem is slowly turning on the regime and they're losing control of their useful idiots.

Stop playing the kike game and call anyone who doesn't deny the Holocaust a retard.

Or simply call the genocide in palestine a holocaust of its own.