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Hmmmm 🤔

submitted by deleted to Controlavirus 1 monthApr 29, 2024 01:17:24 ago (+28/-3)     (Controlavirus)


8 comments block

None of y'all noticed how fake this is? Why is it a picture of fauci from the last 5 years in a newspaper clipping from the 80s?

The type face and scalling along with image artifacts is identical in both NYT papers where they say "smallpox vaccine 'triggered AIDS virus'"

This stinks of the same class of hoax as flat earth, it's a psyop for the gullible amongst who haven't been able to find a conspiracy theory they wont believe since learning the big one (holohoax)

Notice only headline text is readable, not even dates can be parsed so you can't verify these headlines or articles were ever published and there is no substance to read because there is no substance to it, the claim is gobbledygook designed to convince people with no real understanding of virology, it's meant to confuse as it is conflating HIV with AIDS in a way as to leave people repeating this idiocy open to mockery.

The point of absurdly false psy-op conspiracies like space being fake or flat earth is to open people up to mockery, it's to make religious ideas seem as laughable so as to mock religion and undermine Christianity, as much as it is aimed at mocking so called holocaust deniers, sandyhook truthers, boston bombing truthers, and all of the theories around covid.

Don't fall back asleep folks, constant vigilance is a price we must pay to know truth and be blinded by lies.