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They murdered more millenials than the entire 10 year Vietnam war...

submitted by dontbeaphaggot to whatever 1 monthApr 28, 2024 09:25:25 ago (+52/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Doc Judy Mikovitz is a virologist & was also there at the breakout of the HIV virus. She's the one that first figured out the method of transmission of the HIV virus but Fauci would not allow her to publish her findings. FDA purposefully let AIDS become an epidemic.

25 comments block

HIV is literal anal sepsis. There is no virus. There is no epidemic. You get fucked in the ass and it bleeds, fecal matter starts entering the bloodstream and your heart gets microinfections that will never heal, and your immune system goes into overdrive trying to fix it. Degenerates get HIV because their septic blood has contaminated them so much any infection kills them. HIV cocktails are steroidal bombs to suppress heart infections, and it works up to a certain point, but all damage done is already done.

MRNA vaccines are injectable HIV bombs exactly because you inject filth in your bloodstream.