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When yet another Zionist propagandis starts to spread intergenerational Boomer hate among europeans.

submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 monthApr 28, 2024 10:00:00 ago (+34/-10)     (TellUpgoat)

Thanks for falling for the latest Jewish propaganda to divide Europeans and make them hate each other and fight each other in brother wars and now generational wars rather than focus on the Jews Who are the problem.

You stupid f****** idiot. Stop this nonsense.

Boomers had no control over how the country was run either! Hell man they were being sent to war. They were being conscripted against their will and going to fight World War II and Korea and vietnam. What the hell have you been forced to do? You think your life is tough now why don't they slap a uniform on you and tell you to run up the hill facing the machine guns with very little chance of survival!

Stop falling for this nonsense.

Boomers had absolutely no control over their government just like you have no control over the government now. There's only one group that's controlled the government since probably the 1930s certainly since FDR's time. Maybe since Wilson's time. Boomers had no control over any policies that you're complaining about.

Boomers didn't vote in the Federal reserve. Boomers didn't even vote in social security they didn't want it. They wanted to keep their own money and not have the government tax it away then quote invest it for them?

I can't believe we're allowing this Jewish propaganda on this site.

No more brother wars.

no generational wars.

the only thing that we need to worry about stopping are Jews.

50 comments block

Faggot. Boomers are our political enemies just the same as any progressive liberal commie queer. They are a tool of the jews, another golem like niggers. I bet you suck nigger dick too because theyre not all bad and some of them agree with you, just like the boomers. You are the divide and conquer faggot here. Get on board or die with the boomers.