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Why is Staten Island known as conservative?

submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to AskGoats 1 monthApr 24, 2024 16:26:52 ago (+9/-0)     (AskGoats)

Everyone has always told me SI is republican and bla bla bla. Having come from a very conservative, very red area to the shithole that is Brooklyn, I cant say I've found a single republican or conservative anything. In this case, I hopped to SI to check it out. From what I gather, they're still massive commies, 90% of the island works for the gov, the other part is welfare bums and illegals, might honestly be a mix of illegals working as gov employees, etc. May as well be a prison island with all the cameras, red light radars, police presence, etc.

When it comes to the lean, SI is just a slightly (not by much ) less liberal borough of NYC. Since they are a borough of NYC though, they follow 100% of the laws NYC forces down their throats. Since SI had originally proposed to be part of NY and not NYC, it's really a distinction of wanting to be a commie place, but the commies in charge are slightly too commie for their taste. And yet even though SI is 50% democrat/50% less democrat, it's lambasted as the forgotten borough/red headed step child.

Goes to show oyu can give liberals everything they want on a silver platter, it will NEVER be enough. They will trash you and smear you until you give them more. Then they'll keep trashing you anyways because they hate you and want you dead. And for some insanely idiotic reason, a LARGE majority of idiots in NYC think their political class can be reasoned with.

10 comments block

As I've heard. Im not entirely too sure why they thought asking NYC if they could secede legally was gonna work. They would have been better off just leaving and telling NYC to get fucked, but that didn't happen.