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Everyday Carry Protips

submitted by shitface9000 to Guns 1 monthApr 23, 2024 13:50:05 ago (+41/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


44 comments block


The young man in the posted video is a perfect example of why not. People watch a video and think they know the subject matter without ever actually going out and doing it.

First, I have zero inclination to waste any of my time and effort where it would do the least good. You can watch all the videos in the world and still be no more proficient at the task than if you hadn't watched any at all.

It has been my experience that, in practical matters such as firearms, videos will never stack up to real life, in person, hands on, training. You have to be able look people in the face, and watch them actually perform the task.

There's just no way to simulate physically standing behind someone and conducting effective dime/washer drills (or any other effective training technique) over a video.

Second, having already served as an 18B instructor, an SOT instructor, a SOTIC instructor, and a firearms instructor for multiple us.gov departments, performed multiple deployments on SFODA's on FID missions, I have already produced enough trained and proficient gunfighters for one lifetime.
And frankly, I have some profound regrets about one or two of those, but that's another story for another time.

Now I only train people that I either know personally, or have come recommended to me through someone I know.

There are more than sufficient wannabe mall-ninjas and lunatics in the world already. I see no need to add to their number.