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Call it the Gaza holocaust

submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to TheJewishProblem 1 monthApr 23, 2024 17:40:41 ago (+10/-0)     (TheJewishProblem)


Calling it a genocide is good, but calling it a holocaust would really shove it in their faces, because then we can call them holocaust deniers when they deny a genocide is happening.

The holocaust is the most weaponized event in all of history and it's being used by jews. But they are not special, these kinds of genocides have happened throughout history to almost every race.

They point to the holocaust to deplatform their critics and criminalise speech worldwide, they say "never again" while they are actively committing another holocaust themselves.

Everyone should call it the Gaza holocaust.

8 comments block

Everyone should call it the Gaza holocaust.

Palestinian Holocaust.