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AJ goes off the rails

submitted by Reawakened to TellUpgoat 1 monthApr 20, 2024 13:17:54 ago (+5/-1)     (www.yewtu.be)


The Why Files is a cute little conspiracy show. I've watched it as mindless entertainment for quite some time. The presenter does a good job and the little jew fish is funny and annoying, and says things that the presenter couldn't get away with. Most of the time the formula is tell a compelling story about something odd and then sort of dispel it at the end. In this episode, The presenter, AJ, flat out calls it starting at 36:34 I suspect he knows more about who the shadow government is than he says.

8 comments block

The last 10 minutes:

Patents are not the be-all, end-all for any invention.

First, a patent only lasts for 20 years, after which the technology is 100% free. This is why (((big pharma))) always modifies drugs within that 20 year timeframe, so the "new" drug is always (((better))) than the original version that anybody can now make

Second, patents only protect the "inventor" from financial damages. Any hobbyist can take any patent and make a home version for personal use. The waters get a bit muddy when sharing these personal designs with others, along with "teaching", etc, but as long as there is no commercial application, the patent will never apply.

Any design that has a patent can be copied by anyone for personal use. Sadly, the current state of patent applications is that there isn't enough detail to replicate any of these designs.