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Nigger story

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 1 monthApr 18, 2024 23:31:37 ago (+20/-0)     (whatever)

Had a nigger bitch come into the place I work last night. It's a deli, we make sandwiches and there's a beer only bar in the back.
First Question: Do y'all take EBT?
I tell her no, we only take cash and local checks.
Second Question: Does the check have to be valid?
Me, verbatim: Fucking Yes?
She tells me she was just fuckin with me and she "don't eain fucks wit EBT" and proceeded to pull some damp mother fuckin titty money out of her bra.
I take her fuckin bra stash titty cash, cause fuck it let's get this god damn lunatic the fuck out of here and get on with the night, but fuckin god damn. That's a new one for me bros.
Does the check have to be valid? I'm at a loss. It's typical nigger behavior, I know, but fuck that's absurd.

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