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That missile defence against Iran cost US taxpayers 1 billion dollars.............

submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to WorldPolitics 2 monthsApr 16, 2024 11:09:00 ago (+39/-0)     (WorldPolitics)

what an egregious waste of money. there is nothing in isreal worth this cost. especially on top of what they're already getting for free to keep that hellhole running.

12 comments block

They recieve 4 billion annually no questions asked.

They've laundered 162 billion +- since they manufactured the war with Ukraine.

And Americans still argue over it as if it has any benefit for Americans or the future of America.

We are actively funding our own demise while our traitorous politicians and (((leaders))) squander unborn Americans futures over yiddish wars that are meant to drain the host country and slowly enslaved it.

America for Americans.

Stop giving money to countries that want you dead but ultimately enslaved.

Blank check for Israel