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What color?

submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to GuessTheRace 1 monthApr 7, 2024 18:56:06 ago (+47/-0)     (i.redd.it)


10 comments block

He might not be black, mexicans beat the holy hell out of their women.
I lived in Houston and I was over at a buddy of a buddy's house drinking shots.

The buddy was mexican (short, glasses, tiny fucker act toughguy, total dick to his woman, we're all like 21-23). He's JT's friend, but I've met him before. His wife looks like this girl (before the beatdown) and she's a total sweetie whom all like.

JT comes over to my apt the next morning and we pull out the bongs. He tells me that about an hour ago, mexican guy calls him crying and begs him to come over. Spoiler: She's fucking dead.

Guy had beat her to death, she was small like this one in pic. JT said guy had bathed her after, dressed her and laid her in bed. When JT saw her, he called the police and they arrested the mexican guy.

I mean the guys probably black and it hardly changes anything if he's mexican. She looks mexican so its probably a 5"4' oompa loompa.