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New chess theory

submitted by Dindu to Chess 2 monthsApr 6, 2024 10:37:00 ago (+4/-1)     (Chess)

Tldr conclusion: the difference between 1500 and 1550 is absolute

If you sink down below fourteen hundred, maybe you played a bunch of games half asleep or distracted, you encounter players that effortlessly win games. I look at their accounts and often they use a 400 point opponent spread, so they play 1700s as often as 900s. Maybe that makes a great bad chess player

You can get stuck down there on account of some wild visionaries in the 1300s.

But! If you rise back above 1450 you encounter complete retards who make you say outloud "that's the 4th retard in a row!"

If I get to 1450 I very quickly pass through to 1550 where you then encounter actually great chess players. I cannot pass 1550 because I am not smart and dont learn. But that window of idiots around 1500 is pretty amazing.

14 comments block

Did you say Fischer Random Chess?

Poor Bobby had to invent that shit since normal chess was just too easy to memorize.