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I got dragged on a date to see the new ghost busters.

submitted by Wigglehard to whatever 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 09:32:14 ago (+3/-1)     (whatever)

Ugly lesbian girl begins relationship with awkward somewhat sexual relationship with female ghost. Shitty CGI Ice demon god takes over ghost busters firehouse. Ugly lesbian girl wins with the power of jew radiation gun and a camel fucker that realizes he controls fire through the power of Islam or some dumb shit. Overall it was essentially a cold lesbian experience i wish i never watched. Never letting that chick pick the movie again & Probably not going to the movies again. I’ll get them for free from the library if anything. Hollywood only pumps out bs

19 comments block

Let me know if herpes and aids doesn’t pull out. Not that the chick i know has that but i trust no one, i work 11-15 hours a day, you think I’m going to trust the health of my dick to some chick i went to high school with that’s willing to bang me without putting a ring on it first? Definitely not, a girl with that much time on her hands away from me, and after my failed marriage i don’t trust my heart to any woman, my first wife was clean but im in my 30s anything i find close to my age that’s single has had its fair share of dingus, just realities i must face. Until i find a woman who is truly worth it, i refuse to commit. Maybe im jaded but fuk it, we all go through stages in life