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Mossad/CIA's tactic with the terrorist attack they committed in Moscow is out of anger that Russian citizens aren't acting as soldiers themselves and attacking the Russian government. The US did not provide Russia of information on exactly how they were going to commit the terrorist attack

submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to WorldPolitics 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 11:28:18 ago (+4/-0)     (WorldPolitics)

I guess the strategy here is to kill enough civilians in the most gruesome ways possible to get them to think all they have to do is attack their government. This is one reason to never be intimidated by the Jew. They get far more mileage out of you backing down (which Americans always do) than fighting.

Your life is not worth infinite value and it is very possible it's worth you dying to take out people in a war effort. Just be smart and effective. Your life is worth 50 others' lives.

This narrative Mossad/CIA are trying to stitch together here is one of the sloppiest ones they've ever done.

2 comments block

This is the 2002 film "Bringing Down A Dictator" about how the U.S. State Dept, CIA, and NGO blob swarm orchestrated a color revolution inside Serbia to regime change Slobodan Milosevic.

You need to watch it. Your homework is to watch it.
