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If anyone here is on normal social media, we should start something about how all these drones Israel and Ukraine are using are dumping huge amounts of toxic lithium batteries in the ocean and earth and pulluting them.

submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to politics 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 01:51:20 ago (+14/-0)     (politics)

This will not go unnoticed by the save-the-planet people, who are the same retards who are left supporting jews. or it'll add even more fuel to the fire. 'jews are destroying the entire planet with drones'

12 comments block

holy fucking shit nigger, it costs you more effort to excuse yourself for doing nothing than it would take to do the thing you need to be doing.

this is how we know we cannot rely on people who say they're on our side. you idiots fight your own side and destroy us in ways the enemy never could. traitors get the rope first.

your comment is also proof that Americans believe there will be a moment where they can rambo the entire United States with their single ar15 and become dictator at the end, and it will happen as fast as it takes to download an app, cost nothing and you will become dictator of the US. You believe this insane delusion of grandeur. It's also proof that you will back down at every pathetic attempt to intimidate by the US government, like the time biden said he'd bomb your house with an F16 - now you're waiting until you can get an F16 and rambo the entire country in the time it would take you to download an app and become dictator - and unless you can win it all in a single, costless move and everyone agrees you get to be dictator you're not doing shit.

does this sound about right?