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Jared "Not Gay Jared" Monroe is being sued and legally brutalized by Stephen "my gay phase was short-lived" Crowder.

submitted by Sector2 to whatever 2 monthsMar 27, 2024 23:13:24 ago (+8/-1)     (kiwifarms.net)


Jared "Not Gay Jared" Monroe uploaded This Video to Twitter on March 26th. He alleges the Steven Crowder's show and company is essentially a frat house filled with misconduct and was forced to sign a NDA when he quit. He is now speaking out and attempting to raise money for a Legal Fund ($76,000 of $100,000 as of this post) to possibly sue Crowder to remove his NDA, and to support his defense from Crowder's legal attacks.

This morning Gerald hosted a show laying out their side of the story. They are alleging that Jared's video is a further attempt to sabotage Crowder's public image to give his ex-wife and advantage in the ongoing divorce proceedings. It was also stated that Crowder filed a lawsuit against Jared this morning, but we have yet to see it. Crowder is currently in mediation with his ex-wife and is why he wasn't on the show. Below are their receipts to back up their theory from This Twitter Thread.

Video he uploaded yesterday: https://twitter.com/TheJaredMonroe/status/1772594355620270141

See the kiwifarms link for the effort post, and more on the homo degeneracy from Crowder.

13 comments block

Hard to "let people go" on good terms if you have a giant closet of things that would tarnish your "image", and these people that are leaving may start talking...

Paranoid people can't "let people go".