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Signs you are living in Nazi rule

submitted by Crackinjokes to WorldPolitics 2 monthsMar 26, 2024 12:22:38 ago (+65/-0)     (WorldPolitics)

1. No Debt. You are not paying the majority of your future wealth to usurious bankers.

2. You are able to raise a family on one income. Your wife can stay home and raise kids and in fact is financially rewarded for doing so.

3. There is little crime. It is safe to walk the streets at night so you have ACTUAL freedom.

4. Others around you have similar altruistic beliefs and a common moral incentive to help each other.

5. There are many jobs and you are paid well no matter your social status or education. All work contributions including manual labor are valued.

6. Your infrastructure is expanding rapidly increasing your quality of life and the general beauty of your world. You can get places faster and you have more free time.

7. You have more vacation time each year. You have very nice places to go on your vacations including the world's first dedicated leisure cruise ships and they are very affordable.

39 comments block

Peaked at 20% nigger 260 years ago and never dropped below 10% since. My memory was right.