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Here is a Captioned Video Allegedly Showing That The Cargo Ship Is Being Hacked

submitted by ProudAmerican to news 2 monthsMar 26, 2024 10:35:10 ago (+1/-2)     (redstatenation.com)


No question. The ship was shut down and gradually steered into the column.

Does anyone else find it odd timing right after a terror event in Russia and the P Diddy drama...

4 comments block

my guess as a chief engineer? the lights turning off was them hitting the breakers on the generators to restart their systems fast. because those autopilot systems had them running balls out towards a bridge. this was another attack. there would be no other reason for them to briefly shut off the power. the blast of exhaust was them briefly recovering control and slamming it in reverse. the second power outage was when the hackers got control again and another attempt to restart. they had a person standing at the physical breakers i imagine.