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Prune the rot!

submitted by The_Reunto to movies 2 monthsMar 25, 2024 21:29:28 ago (+0/-0)     (www.youtube.com)


Short film ~15 min.

3 comments block

You're not wrong, especially the way the film conflates "pruning leftist ideology" with the killing of nonWhites. They take a valid intro point and pull it into absurdity in order to try to induce Pavlovian conditioning / conceptual hysteresis.

It is a means of trying to distract from the fact (and initial premise) that victim Leftism is out of hand and ultimately untenable in a long term. It's basically a non sequitur from the start of the film to the end.

More than that, they specifically emphasize the character's blonde hair despite the fact the actress is not herself blonde at all. All for the purpose of likely creating resentment against those with ancestry that gives them blonde hair and blue eyes.

The film is almost a soft comedy and not a horror due its nonsensical and self-contradicting nature.