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Katie Hopkins says most western leaders are actors and in fact gay. In other words FAKE AND GAY

submitted by Crackinjokes to WorldPolitics 3 monthsMar 18, 2024 20:08:08 ago (+39/-0)     (x.com)


The point here is not the Jew Katie Hopkins.

It's that the fact is being pointed out that homos increasingly are running things.

27 comments block

you are an idiot. most of the Bible is completely false. nothing in the Bible should or even can be relied on as an indicator of Reality.

while I am a sometime Bible reader, and a beautiful large Bible is just out of my arms' reach right now, my official and occasionally stated position is: biblical realism is completely and utterly fucking retarded with no exceptions. a person who was or was not claimed to - or really did - turn water into wine is completely an utterly irrelevant compared to the existence of the Bible as an item throughout time and across the world. for 2000 years.

it's reality - like the reality of the play Hamlet - is completely an utterly fucking irrelevant, and is retarded to even consider