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The ADL put out the word to shoah tiktok because the youth were no longer believing the Jewish lies on tiktok. And now a bunch of Jews are getting together to buy it. And they're forcing Congress to demand that tick tock have a domestic owner which will be these jews. That's what's going on with tic

submitted by Crackinjokes to news 2 monthsMar 16, 2024 19:57:23 ago (+54/-0)     (news)

and the links are links to the ADL actually saying this and the Jews that are buying it actually saying this

The ADL said that tik tok was capturing the minds of Americans so they no longer believe the Jewish lies. So the ADL said they've got to do something about it so they called Congress and said you've got to either get tick tock shutdown or you've got to get a domestic buyer and oh by the way we'll get a bunch of juice together and buy it so we can control it.
If you don't believe it you can watch Greenblatt from the ADL say it right here


(Catbox version https://files.catbox.moe/9i3zeq.001)

Then after that you can see a bunch of trump Jews getting together to buy it right here


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