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Vaccine mass deaths!!!

submitted by HeyJames to whatever 3 monthsMar 14, 2024 12:35:27 ago (+3/-1)     (whatever)

I have yet to see the vaccine mass deaths that everyone promised would happen

So far it just looks like what I believed all along, another trick by pharma jews to enrich themselves by making everyone less healthy

Do jews laugh when they manipulate people into believing outlandish conspiracies that discredit those pointing out reality?

14 comments block

Tell that to my friend that got a tummy ache, got diagnosed with liver cancer, was given 2 months to live, and died last year. A few distant relatives passed. Several friends-of-friends passed or got cancer... Death is a part of life and is expected, but this was an amount of death in my circle and periphery that I would expect to see over the course of many years. Anecdotal, I know, but I believe the excess deaths numbers.

I also believe you are either afraid and hiding from the truth, or you are evil, and attempting to hide the truth.