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submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 3 monthsMar 7, 2024 10:21:34 ago (+4/-2)     (whatever)

It's a protection racket. A grift. Same as "Carbon Credits" for the Green New Deal with EV's and Renewable Solar and Wind Energy for Net Zero Carbon Emissions Push where they are telling you you'll be demonized (by their activist terrorists) if you don't buy into the scheme claiming they're protecting the world from a nonexistent climate crisis. Think about it this way. The more companies they send under with these grifts, the more companies become forever in debt to the globalist corporations like Black Rock and Vanguard. And when companies are indebted to a bigger entity, they tend to bend all the way backward to swallow any orders they send down the chain of command.

Think about that one leak from a supposed game dev who explained that the reason why they make female characters in modern games "uglified" is because they get "tax returns" from somewhere and also to make the characters look closer to trns people, as they can't get "naturally gifted assets". Apart from that, said dev also mentioned companies swallow the agenda because they don't want these activist terrorists riling up their employees into unionizing and tanking the company. Oh, and don't forget that for other games like Starfield, there are other companies that do the same grift even if SBI isn't directly involved in them. At this point we need throw the baby out with the bathwater because it's soaked in all these companies who are just there to grift video game consumers as a whole.

Also, the question still remains unanswered... If male and female, men and women, are just imaginary...then what are tr
ns men and tr*ns women trying to "transition" into?

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Same thing Jessie Jackson did with his Rainbow Coalition. They would contact major corporations and ask them for money so that they would not get blasted in the media about being racist or whatever. It's the equivalent of a bunch of guys walking into your store and asking for protection money so that they won't bust up your store. Extortion racket.