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Few Jobs In NYC Are As Dangerous As Being a Bodega Worker Because: Niggers

submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Niggers 3 monthsFeb 27, 2024 05:33:20 ago (+5/-1)     (nypost.com)


Very stressful to have to constantly observe and confront Blacks and Ricans for their stealing. Imagine working a 12-hour shift where you know you're like 10x more likely to be robbed at gunpoint than a pedestrian. Then imagine having to be hypervigilant any time some niglet or junkie walks in and tracking their shitty movements with mirrors and CCTV. Then arguing with dumb niggers and welfare queens about the price of petty shit every single day, kids coming in after school's out to steal your candy and soda. It's even worse if you have to make sandwiches or something for these fucking monkeys and have to tolerate insults, bitching and conniving while "serving da community."

A lot of you live in remote areas or only only deal with or see a nigger a day. I see hundreds of them a day and it can be traumatizing. I have all sorts of PTSD from years of these apes and their shitty behavior. They're fucking evil. I'm not going to lie: I have met some genuinely good Blacks who are intelligent and respectful, but they're only like 15% of them. The rest are rotten, scamming, complaining, monkeyminded pieces of shit.

5 comments block

con77 1 points 3 months ago

Whatchu meen ah can't git won for free?

I'ma kill you nigga!