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8 comments block

canbot 2 points 3 months ago

It has nothing to do with consumer spending. They own everything so when you switch brands it is just a different hand of the same jew. What is really happening is the diversity hires are fucking everything up a lot more than the jews predicted. I saw it play out at the last job I had and I see it playing out at my current job.

They replaced all the white supervisors and managers with non whites, with only a few key white guys where the most intelligence is required. They were clearly under the impression that they were taking intelligence into consideration and believed that the majority of positions don't require intelligence.

Spoiler: they are now walking back those decisions as quietly as possible.

Niggers find ways to fuck everything up in ways that would surprise even the most alt right realist. They would say "of course, I could have told you that" after the fact but they would never have predicted the effects of even mundane nigger quirks.

It is very easy to overlook how important common sense is when it comes to operating any kind of equipment, no matter how basic. Even things like conveyor belts. When a nigger operates anything it is not 20% or 50% more likely to break. It is hundreds of times more likely because of a combination of poor handling, not being able to catch and prevent problems, and not being able to do very basic troubleshooting and repair that even the dumbest white people do as a reflex.

Every level of responsibility exponentially amplifies the discrepancy in behavior and ability.

The DEI program relied on the advancement of technology to remove the necessity for intelligence in manual labor and management positions. The technology is not there yet, and may never be. They learned it the hard way and are now walking back that attempt at disenfranchising whites because they still need them.