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65 Russian troops massacred due to inside information

submitted by shitface9000 to Russia 3 monthsFeb 23, 2024 18:10:36 ago (+0/-1)     (archive.is)


This was obviously planned and the war commander Oleg Moiseev set it up.

5 comments block

Two things:
1) Title ignores the simple fact that that is currently one of the most surveilled areas of the world right now, from small, locally controlled drones, to US controlled Global Hawk, up to satellites, nothing moves undetected, day or night. All it takes is for the links in the kill chain to line up from the initial detection, to the guy down at the HIMARS getting the order to push the fire button, in a timely manner. Happens all the time. That's what several decades long emphasis on "hyper-war" looks like. A "First See, First Shoot, First Kill" cycle measured in minutes if not seconds.

(Had surveillance on a possible HVT location in Afghanistan. Lo and behold, 20 senior leaders on the vetted target list showed up for a pow-wow. Time of flight for two (2) each HIMARS launched from Bagram was two minutes. Total time from detection, to decision, to launch, to impact, was about 10 minutes. Then my team had to go down there and collect DNA samples off of all the bodies.)

2) Totally ignores the absolutely astonishing ego of officers. When the "good idea fairy" takes a giant shit on an officer's head, the results can be astounding, the total damage being limited only by the scope of his authority. This is usually a good time for a good squad leader to make sure that all of his guys are currently out and away performing mission critical tasks like LP/OP's or pulling security.

(Any time it seems like your SL is giving you the shitty end of the stick in combat, like having to go out and sit in a hole in the dirt, pulling security, while everybody else is having hot coffee and jelly donuts up at the headshed? It's because he knows a big fucking target when he sees one and he's trying to save your life.)

The human body does not need to be torn to pieces in order to kill it.

Ukraine has recieved the M30A1 GMLRS round that has a 200lb HE-Frag warhead and 182,000 pre-formed tungsten pellets.
It has three fuze settings that allows airburst, point impact and delay modes.
Proximity sensor firing mode is selectable for 3 Meter & 10 Meter height of burst at approach velocities near Mach 2.5.

No crater pics so it was probably fuzed for airburst. And at Mach 2.5, they never heard it coming.
One thing that often surprises people who are conditioned by hollywood special effects blood packets is how little penetrating wounds, like bullet wounds, actually bleed. Especially post-mortem.
Look at their feet. Not the ones lined up to get bagged. The ones that haven't been moved yet. All of their feet are pointing in aprox. the same direction. Towards the blast.

Either having your brain (which is mostly water) suddenly accelerated in any direction against the interior surface the skull, and then decelerated again against the opposite interior surface, or suddenly having your lungs collapsed from overpressure will both kill you deader than than fried chicken and not leave any obvious external trauma. Being hit by tungsten pellets going 2,800fps at the same time might not either.



65 guys, or about two platoons. So what?
In November 1965, the US 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry lost 237 killed, 258 wounded, and 4 missing, or aprox. 50% of their total troop strength at LZ X-Ray over the course of 5 days. It changed nothing.

The worst part of all of this White-on-White warfare is that none of it is going to make one goddamm bit of difference to the eventual outcome.
The only ones who stand to benefit from any of it are the jews.