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Tucker Carlson reviews Putin interview and reveals what ‘radicalized’ him

submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to WorldNews 4 monthsFeb 13, 2024 01:14:25 ago (+7/-1)     (www.rt.com)


The American journalist was himself the subject of questioning at the World Government Summit in Dubai

How Moscow ‘radicalized’ him
Carlson pointed out that he’s 54 and grew up in an America that had nice, safe and beautiful cities, “and we no longer have them.”

It was “radicalizing” to see Moscow “cleaner, safer and prettier” than American cities, he said, or be reminded of that in Dubai and Abu Dhabi – while in the US, one can’t ride the subway in New York City because it’s dirty and unsafe.

“That’s a voluntary choice,” he said. “You don’t have to have crime, actually.”

5 comments block

Scrub channels with 40k subs get $10k contracts to advertise shit products. Who is pulling Tuckers ear with 300m+