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Dragon Ball Z is anti-semitic AF

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to TheAnimeReich 4 monthsFeb 8, 2024 04:33:52 ago (+23/-1)     (TheAnimeReich)

Fuck these Japs are based.

So obviously, the ancient alien/aryan (L and R are the same in nipspeak) race with blonde hair and blue eyes who are being exterminated by the guy with a 6 letter name that starts with the 6th letter of the alphabet and is ice themed (ice makes hex crystals, thus 666) is based AF, but it gets even baseder.

In the android saga, which is an obvious golem metaphor, Dr. Gero (4 of the 5 letter of golem) shows up wearing a Russian looking hat with the red ribbon army logo. R = 18 so R+R = 36, another kike reference, but also he's red like the commies and looks Russian while his partner, the Chinese-looking clown/crown/corona-19 (golden crown + crown chakra antenna), is the other big formerly communist but now basically judeo-state capitalist country. The two represent the commies, and like real commies, when you knock off their fake hats you get to see the round yarmulkes underneath, letting you know that communism is just another code word for jewish rule.

Anyway, it's when fighting covid-19 that Goku gets hit by the virus that attacks his heart while covid-19 makes it hard for him to breathe. Then a bioweapon shows up, merges all the races and sexes together, and tries to eradicate all life on earth, but the NEXT FUCKING GENERATION OF ARYANS saves the day by destroying the monstrosity.

Akira Toriyama, may you one day meet the Fuhrer in the castle of the grail. You are a true artist.

12 comments block

Idk ask OP he knows much more about numerology than I do.