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Same thing

submitted by x0x7 to politics 4 monthsFeb 2, 2024 11:38:01 ago (+3/-0)     (img.gvid.tv)


There is more than one ideology that feels this way.

Ancaps and libertarians feel that both are threats to individual liberty in the name of quizi-populism, a populism that doesn't actually care for the people but courts the interests of the common man for the reason they do what they do. But ultimately tears down the rights of every person. Last I checked the everyman likes having rights.

The lib left view both as being owned by corporations more equally than the rest of the left want to admit.

The racial-right see both as being proxies for the political will of Israel.

I think in some ways all are correct.

We are all seeing the same pile of trash from different angles, and as we describe the disgusting things we see we argue with each other.

1 comments block

Occupy wallstreet was sabotaged by promoting trannies. Ordinary people were to disgusted to keep quiet and enough idiots would rather support poop chute sex now than clean out our corrupt system.