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What Biden *Really* Says About Trump Behind Closed Doors Will Not Surprise You But Will Sure Make You Feel Angry - Trump Team Responds

submitted by ProudAmerican to news 4 monthsFeb 2, 2024 08:40:22 ago (+0/-5)     (www.rightjournalism.com)


And has the audacity to say Trump has hurt Americans. This head of cabbage has put such a hurting on us that I'm not sure President Trump can even fix it.

I can’t wait to see how badly the old pedophile deteriorates after Trump beats him in November.

2 comments block

Are you kidding? Does Biden know today who Trump is?

I got yelled at once by an old man in his 80's who thought he was owed money for a pound of butter he bought 50 or 60 years before that.

WTF is Trumo going to fix? He's anti Christian who wears a jewish religious hat and worships the wailing wall.

THey do that to symbolically say God's pact is with the jews and not Christians. Trump. like all of them talks about the nation being under God, but he means the jewish old Testament God who was vengeful rude and genocidal, not the reborn Christ.

Oh and the sect he's enslaved to believes that they have to set the world back to a time before sin by destroying the material world so God can rebuild it just for them.

Good luck with that