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To anyone considering going to Texas to (righteously) kill invaders and defend our border, consider that you'd be abandoning movements in your own city which would take the wind out of the sail there. And that's bad

submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 4 monthsJan 30, 2024 12:22:57 ago (+3/-1)     (PublicServiceAnnouncement)

This could be a strategy to disempower movements locally across the USA. Texas has many parts of the border they don't even seem to be trying to defend, they could be putting you on a registered list once you get there, and recall that Texas was paying to bus people into the country a year or less ago. Furthermore, there are copious amounts of libtards from Commiefornia that moved there, and they would love to mess up everything we have going in our communities.

Stay in your city. Arm your people there and push out the Jew and the invaders there. If we all do our part they'll live very uncomfortably and they'll be easier to spot as nomads and with either self deport or consolidate for... processing later.

see here for evidence https://www.bitchute.com/video/QYCPzEz49BUU/

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