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Broken society I encountered this week

submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to TellUpgoat 5 monthsJan 15, 2024 10:53:52 ago (+35/-1)     (TellUpgoat)

Stopped at a redlight turning left. 4-door Ford truck in front of me. There's about 12 vehicles in this lane. Light turns green and Ford truck doesn't move for 8 seconds. I can see in his side mirror that he's on his phone and doesn't care that the rest of us have shit to do. I lay on the horn. He throws his hands in the air and goes and only three of us make it through the light. The rest are fucked and will have to wait again all because of this modern man bitch. Turns out we are going to the same store. As I get out this little bearded manlet gets out and has the balls to look at me. I ask him what he was doing at the light, taking pictures of his snatch and uploading it to tik-tok? He darts away from quickly and goes into the store and I never seen him again. I wanted to talk with this selfish bitch a little more but IDK where the fuck he went. I hate these MF I hate'em.

A different day I stopped off at a tobacco/liquor store to get some chew and smokes for somebody. The ladies who work in there (3 of them) are probably late 20's, almost 30. The one is talking very loudly about going to the bar alone and how she encountered some guy who looked directly at her pussy while he talked to her and she was like HELLO! There was an old lady in line ahead of me and she turns and looks at me while this skank says the word pussy really loud. I shrug. This skank went on and on about how she should have pulled her pussy out and told the guy to look at it because he'll never get to touch it. I was shocked these young ladies were talking like this. The other ladies told her she should never go to the bar alone and how all the guys are creeps. Society is done. There's no fixing this.

Another one is I had to go into the grocery store and boomers like to gather and block the main throughways. They will look and see others coming but go back to talking and refuse to move. I'm not nice about it at all. Those days are over. I tell them to clear the fucking way. I hate'em. Mouth breather pieces of shit.

My last stop was at a sit-down restaurant. I had to meet someone to discuss some business. As I walk to the front door to go in there is a family of beaners behind me speaking loudly in their subhuman demon language. I do not hold the door and it slams shut right in their GD faces and they look at each other. They know they've encountered a white man who knows and who does not give any fucks about them or their bullshit. As I met with my associate and had a salad while we discussed things all we could hear was loud beaners speak subhuman devil language. Guarantee you they left no tip. The guy I met tried to talk about sports with me and I shut it down fast with "I don't watch sweaty niggers steal the ball from each other". Any white man who watches sports wants to be cucked by BBC.

I also want to point out how most of the gen's after gen x do not use blinkers and can't put their phones down while driving. I also noticed how out of staters just drive through our red lights and blast through stop signs with no regards for others lives. and don't even get me started on all the non-white truckers who get in both lanes and impede traffic on the highway that is 65mph.

Grumpy old man signing off

34 comments block

It is the language adopted by Satan's chosen people though.