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Fucking faggot ruined my day

submitted by Conspirologist to TellUpgoat 4 monthsJan 15, 2024 08:16:01 ago (+8/-7)     (TellUpgoat)

I was relaxing with a cappuccino at the bar today. Suddenly I hear a male faggot voice ordering. I got WTF because have never met a faggot in my town, so I turned my head to understand who the fuck it is. It was a guy with a bearded male face, but had very annoying faggot voice and disgusting long female alike nails. Looked like fucking Conchita Wurst from Eurovision. Suddenly I felt like throwing up. This faggot freak was so disgusting that it ruined my day. These faggots are already disgusting in videos, but in real life they are x100 even more disgusting.

9 comments block

I walked into a CVS months ago and this old women probably around 70-80 was trying to buy a pack of cigs and her license was expired and the little faggot at the counter wouldn't sell to her. Guy was super gay. I decided not to buy anything and as I was leaving he tells me the the gayest voice "haaaave a niiiice day sir." I just looked it and him laughed. Felt good to see the look on that little bitches face.