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Nevada woman who fought for her life for two years in the hospital after the Covid-19 vaccine passes away, leaving behind $7.5 million in hospital bills that have bankrupted her family

submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to Health 5 monthsJan 12, 2024 14:24:33 ago (+35/-2)     (thecanadianindependent.substack.com)


The woman's teenage son says, Tonja Marie Johnson was a 57-year-old employed by the state of Nevada and was mandated to get the Covid-19 vaccine. After she received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, she would spend the next two years fighting for her life of an unknown illness in the hospital after she became paralyzed from the waist down, developed blood clots in her legs and lungs, required the complete removal of her stomach and spleen, flatlined 4 times and was brought back to life, and dropped to just 70 lbs.” Sadly, she has now passed away.


20 comments block

Nonsense. Medical bills aren’t passed on to heirs of estates.

i was told of the same by relatives last night. so fake news?