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more neri beach pics (and check out the reviews!)

submitted by paul_neri to pics 5 monthsJan 12, 2024 05:19:31 ago (+5/-1)     (i.ibb.co)



"Great pics, bro. I know I said you were the reason this site has gone to shit but these pics make me see how you complement the place like no-one else. Keep it up, man!" @MasklessTheGreat

" Must you rub it in, Queeri, that I live in the shadow of a Pennsylvania Steel Mill? Anyway, dude, these pics cheer me up no end. Appreciated, bro. @big_fat_dangus

"Fantastic pics, paul. John is away next week and I'd like you to come around and take some pics of me by the pool. I'm a little self-conscious when he's around but with you I feel...I feel so natural". @Cynabuns

"Absolute shit. We want photos of Harley-Davidsons with naked dames stretched over them 'cos we are Americans, goddamnit, and the girls at the roadhouse call me the Montana Mongoose 'cos I can go places other men can't!.There are advantages to, you know, being small!" @dock

"It's a change, paul, from a lot of the stuff I'm seeing on this site. Folk tell me their disgusting medical problems for some reason. I'm not a doctor ffs! Great pics, man, you're a talented photographer" @dassar

"These pics give me flashbacks, man, to when I was living in your country (Adelaide). I met my wife, Sarah, in Adelaide. She lived in a Terrace House at Grange Beach. We'd go for a swim and come back to her place and she'd walk around in her skimpy green bikini. We'd just met but being a typical Aussie lass she was quite comfortable being half naked. I was used to Canadian women all rugged up in seal pelts and bison fur. I'm not sure if Sarah was being a tease but I can tell you, bro, I was as hard as Ayers Rock! Anyway the rest is history. Keep the pics coming!" @BushChuck

5 comments block

Oh dear, a negative review.