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submitted by Zinnsee to whatever 5 monthsJan 11, 2024 11:11:14 ago (+34/-1)     (media.gab.com)


12 comments block

3Whuurs 0 points 5 months ago

I’ve heard a much more thorough version with that guy on some patriot podcast years ago.
There’s more details there.
The pig farm and that piggy palace where all the rich politicians etc partied, were on the same acreage. Literally next to each other. The predecessor company to MGM Studios use to send film crews there to film the party’s. Hillary Clinton was said to have gone.
They were likely just using the prostitutes as sex slave party favours then killing them.
The killers rich sister was privy council to Trudeau’s dad while he was prime minister, and when she sold a chunk of that family land the killer owned 1/3rd so she put 10 million in his bank account to this day.

1 interesting aspect of the trial was that the fact the piggy party palace was at the kill site was NEVER once mentioned in the media coverage of the trial, yet it was a huge part of it.
So much so that over 50 boxes of video tapes and other evidence from the party palace were classified and sealed from public record in the trial.
And it’s hardly speculation to assume it’s just tapes of politicians including Trudeau there.