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Which Would You Rather...

submitted by BulletStopper to Israel 5 monthsJan 3, 2024 10:31:22 ago (+38/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


In a related question:

"Which is worse, being kidnapped by Hamas, or being 'rescued' by the idf."


6 comments block

Idf by proxy

Hamas was a golem created by Mossad as a religious counterweight to the KGB controlled secular PLO in order to split the palestinians among two rival factions, because, as arabs, they would spend at least as much time fighting each other as attacking israel.

It's the standard israeli play, of "Hey, let's you and him fight!"

Then the USSR fell, the PLO lost it's funding, and it's leadership (Arafat).

That left israel facing their own creation.

(Further Reference Reading: "Frankenstein's Monster"